Home Blog Floret Joins the Magnolia Network
March 5th 2020

Floret Joins the Magnolia Network

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 Update: For all the latest details about the series, including how to tune in, be sure to visit our show page.

After nearly a year of secrecy, I am so excited to finally be able to share the incredible news that we’ve been filming a documentary series about our farm for Chip and Joanna Gaines’s upcoming Magnolia network!

This new television network is part of Chip and Jo’s joint venture with Discovery, Inc. Programming will center on home and gardening, food, design, lifestyle, and most importantly, community. We are thrilled to have been chosen to be a part of this groundbreaking new television network.

Behind the scenes filming for the new Floret documentary on Magnolia network About a year ago we received a flurry of requests out of the blue from a wide range of production companies who were trying to come up with show ideas that centered on gardening. The ideas ranged from high-drama competition-style shows to container gardening on a studio set in Florida.

After sitting through close to a dozen conference calls, it became abundantly clear that none of the show concepts were a good fit for us. We sat down as a team and decided that we were done entertaining the idea of any type of show unless we could tell the real story of Floret and the bigger mission we’re working towards.

Filming the new Floret documentary on Magnolia network While I have really big goals for both Floret and myself, being on TV hasn’t been one of them. Television is not something that’s been a big part of our lives. In fact, for years all we had was an old VHS player, and Jasper and Elora never watched regular TV unless we were at a hotel. 

Filming bulb planting for the new Floret documentary on Magnolia network But a few years ago, a friend was talking about this couple who had a small business where they worked together and were trying to make their dream a reality. She said that even though our businesses were completely different, their story was similar to our own and that I should check out this show called Fixer Upper.

Within minutes of watching the first episode, I was struck by how down-to-earth and genuine Joanna and Chip seemed, and was surprised and delighted to finally find something we could watch together as a family. 

Filming the dahlia field for the Floret documentary on new Magnolia network Since then I’ve actively followed the Gaineses’ journey as they’ve navigated the incredible growth of their business. The way in which they’ve stayed true to their values and prioritized their family has been inspiring and has served as a good example for Chris and me to follow.

It’s rare, and refreshing, to see another couple making it work so well, given the pressure and challenges that come with running a small business and working alongside your spouse every day. 

Filming field of dahlias for the new Floret documentary on Magnolia network After sitting through so many dead-end meetings, we had been convinced that television was off the table. But that all changed when we got a call from the Magnolia team. Unlike every other interaction, this was one that made it clear that they were genuinely interested in what we were up to here at Floret. They didn’t pitch any smarmy show ideas or try and sway us into a heavily scripted, high-drama production.

Instead, they wanted to tell the story of our growing business, our family, and the incredible team that works with us every day. The Magnolia team was insistent that they could find a production company that would honor our story and be able to capture the magic that we’re making here at Floret. 

Behind the scenes filming Growing Floret for the Magnolia NetworkAfter a few weeks of discussions, they sent Blue Chalk Media, an award-winning Portland-based production company to the farm for three days to film a “sizzle reel,” which is essentially a trailer for a potential TV show.

The first day they arrived, we all were a bundle of nerves. We’ve filmed plenty of videos with our small DSLR camera, but the idea of having an entire crew with professional camera gear and sound equipment following us around was really intimidating. But their talented team immediately put us at ease, and we couldn’t have asked for a kinder, funnier, and easy-going crew. 

Behind the scenes filming Growing Floret for the Magnolia NetworkRight after the film crew left, we finished the last round of edits on A Year in Flowers, packed our bags for England, and left the country for two glorious weeks. While we were away, Blue Chalk Media flew to Waco, Texas, to share the sizzle reel with the Magnolia team.

The meeting was a huge success, and our documentary series got the green light.

Behind the scenes filming Growing Floret for Magnolia NetworkAs soon as we got home from England, the filming began, and we’ve been shadowed by the crew pretty much ever since. It’s hilarious how quickly we’ve all gotten used to the cameras and microphones being on!

But the experience has actually been a total blast, and we’re having a really good time. 

It has been so hard to keep such an exciting secret for so long, and I’m thrilled that we can finally share the news.

Behind the scenes filming Growing Floret for the Magnolia Network

* Photographs by Rob Finch, Creative Director at Blue Chalk Media


  1. Cindy on

    I have watched all 4 episodes more than once. I love it and I really hope they aren’t the only ones I get to watch. I discovered a love of growing flowers 5 years ago and while I am certainly a novice the hummingbirds and butterflies love it as well so I must be doing something right. Dahlias are one of my favorite flowers but they are as frustrating as a teenager. Some years they are beautiful some years they’re not.

  2. Jane Wisniewski on

    The photography on season 1 episode 2 is really stunning. The morning frost on the dahlias is by far the most beautiful flower photography I have ever seen. And the time lapse photography from frost to death of the flower was a totally “wow” moment.

  3. Pam on

    I also binge watched the show starting last night and just finished it. I adored the show and quickly posted on FB and messaged a few people who I knew would enjoy it as well. The dedication and journey was inspiring. I don’t know who said “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” but you certainly proved it true! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story🌸

  4. Olivia on

    Thanks to all at Floret Farm!
    Like a lot of Gardeners, the love of flowers usually starts with a grandparent and Erin’s journey parallels a lot of us. Thanks for kicking loving and growing flowers onto another level. The series so far is inspiring, emotional and awesome. Please never lose your overall generosity and humanity.

  5. Tom Fridmann on

    Watched your show yesterday for the first time. Found it very interesting. Look forward to future stories.

  6. David Wardin on

    Just finished binge watching one of the best produced shows I have ever watched. The content and the way the show and message flows is amazing. Great job to everyone involved. So impressed I might actually try to grow something!

  7. Tim and Grace Reischman on

    Congratulations Erin, her Family of origin, and of choice for expanding into Magnolia Network! What a great fit. How exciting that your floral journey will be experienced worldwide. We celebrate Erin, her husband and children, and the entire Floret Team for taking a love for flowers and infusing that love into millions of budding minds and hearts via Magnolia Network. Thank you Chip and Joanna Gaines for teaming up with Floret. With gratitude, Tim and Grace Reischman

  8. Deborah White on

    I am grateful that we have the Gaines’s and you and your family, as inspiration and role models for all the young citizens of the world. Keep up the good work!

  9. Mary Ann on

    When will there be more episodes on Magnolia Network?! I love your story and I’m just stepping into the world of edible flowers…. NEED MORE!!

    • Team Floret on

      Hi there! The rest of the episodes will be available on July 15th.

  10. Karen Hickling on

    Hi Erin and Family:
    Just after watching your video on Dahlias I received your book. Everything is so clearly laid out and the photo’s are amazing. Looking forward to watching A Year In Flowers. I hope one day in the future you will be able to send tubers to Canada.
    Thank you for the inspiration, much appreciated this year! Cheers, Karen

  11. Val on

    Whoah just received your book,,and it’s so beautiful,you and your team have put in a lot of work to bring this all together ,just hoping that you can send bulbs into BC Canada as would love to be able to order some from your farm
    Thanks again Val

  12. Chantel Hockstein on

    Wonderful news! I am thrilled to follow along on this new adventure watching and learning more about my all-time favorite: growing flowers, of course!

  13. Catherine Genovese on

    Just received your book which I preordered from Amazon. Excellent job. The passion and work that went into this book is
    evident. Kudos to you and your team!

  14. Jeff P. on

    Thanks for making a beautiful and real pilot that we felt was appropriate for our young children to see. In a day where the content of a person’s character seems to matter less this business and show appears to still have character that is trustworthy. Thanks!

  15. Ash Marie Antonio on

    When should we expect more episodes to air on discovery +? I’m so excited to continue watching

  16. Angie on

    Awesome show! Ready to binge watch.

  17. Friday Favorites (16) - Finding Silver Pennies on

    […] Nicole Curtis’s help reviving these old treasures. The first episode was so good. I also love Growing Floret which is the story of Floret Flower Farm. I LOVE their books and we’re planning on growing a […]

  18. Sheila West on

    What a great show, I’m looking forward to many more!!

  19. Lori Cowell on

    Hi. Just finished ur 1st episode. Im IN LOVE with u guys and ur show. Just so bummed Magnolia networx full launch is postponed once again. But I’ll sharpennup my not so great patient skills and look forward to “soon”!! In the meantime Im going to order one of your books. Cant wait til it arrives. May God richly Bless u and ur family, ur business and business family. Sincerely Lori. Long Valley NJ.

  20. Kathie on

    Wonderful first episode. Thank you for opening your business to your customers and fans.

  21. Sarah Hommel on

    Is there anyway we can view this in England? I am an enthusiastic follower of your website since I bought your book Florets Farms Cut Flower Garden and at a young 56 I am trying to start my own mini cut flower garden. Here’s hoping 🙂

  22. Parrish on

    Just watch the premier episode with my husband!! Really enjoyed the telling of your story! Look forward to more content! When can we expect more episodes?

    Thanks!, Parrish

  23. Jasmina McNew on

    Discovery+ brought your story into my life this morning, Saturday, February 6, 2021, on the coast of North Carolina.
    I watched it without interruption as I sipped my strong coffee.
    My dad was a passionate gardener, after his 9-5 job.
    I am not a gardener, but the original 60’s “flower child” at heart. After all my mom named me after a flower. Nature is where I find truth and sublime comfort.
    I commend you for your perseverance and passion, your sense of community, and for the beauty you bring to us who found you. Congratulations and much success!

  24. Douglas Cook on

    Love your show. When are there going to be more episodes.

  25. June Sweeny on

    I have been ‘watching’ your business grow through your website and books for the past few years. I was introduced to your farm through my friend, Ariella Chezar, who did a workshop on your farm. I am over the moon thrilled to see your show on Magnolia network and I can’t stop thinking about it! You have inspired me to increase my tiny back yard garden and I’ll be planting two new raised beds this spring. They are small, but just enough for me to manage. I’m an OLD retired florist. But I’m excited!! Thank you and your team so much for your hard work and inspiration!! June Sweeny, Wilmington NC

  26. New to Floret? Start here - Floret Flowers on

    […] Documentary Television Series Over the past year, we have been filming a documentary series about our farm for the new Magnolia Network. You can read more about the project here. […]

  27. Wende Easter on

    I found Floret a couple days ago by watching Laura from Garden Answer on You Tube. She pulled out the most beautiful calendar I had ever seen and mentioned it was from Floret. All day long it popped in my mind that I needed to look up that calendar but I kept forgetting. Last night I remembered and came to the website only to find that it was completely sold out. After browsing the site I stumbled upon the Discovery + announcement. I immediately downloaded it and signed up for the free trial to watch your show. Let me just say I teared up numerous times. What an incredible story! I’ve been vegetable gardening for several years and just recently fell in love with the idea of cut flowers. This show only heightens that love. Well done! I look forward to seeing more!

  28. Kari Hammett-Caster on

    I signed up for Discovery+ just to watch this and found myself tearing up almost immediately. Not only was it beautiful, it was inspiring. I love that you’ve been able to take something you love and turn it into an incredible business that has caught the eye of the Gaines and Martha Stewart! That’s a dream come true! Your hard work has paid off and added beauty to the world.

  29. Andrea Wixson on

    I just watched your first episode “Groundwork” and loved it! I am addicted to flowers and especially collecting seeds! The show was beautifully done, everything was gorgeous! I especially liked your openness, honesty, and vulnerability. What you have all created with such hard work and dedication is breathtaking 🌸🌱

  30. Col Roberts on

    Love what you do big thumbs up.
    I was inspired by you guys and now growing flowers.
    Big thanks from AUSTRALIA.

  31. Christina Katz on

    Congrats on the show! I enjoyed watching it with my husband and I have a new appreciation for how hard you all work and have worked. If your goal way back when was to transform flower growing, I think you have already succeeded. I certainly appreciate all that you have done. Sending you all the best for your future expansion!

  32. Pam Kamerer on

    Just love reading your books, watching your videos and learning from you. Can’t wait to watch your show. Congratulations and best wishes!

  33. Ellen on

    Our whole family loves what you are doing! We love your blog, your art, your seeds and you! You are so special. Keep it up, we are all enjoying the ride!

  34. Annette Freeman on

    Congratulations!! Looking forward to seeing the show. I was a TV producer for years and slowly entering into the cut flower farm business since moving out of NYC. I’ve enjoyed your offerings and so glad to see it being shown to a large audience. Good luck with everything! Excellent timing, the world needs more flowers, more beauty and more authenticity.

  35. Doris Morrow on

    Congratulations Erin, family, and the Floret Team. I am very happy for you all. I am looking forward to watching the program.

  36. Jordan on

    Wow thats exciting and incredible. Good job and way to create something meaningful for y’all – though thats not surprising because of your integrity to your genuine process!

  37. Anjali on

    congratulations Erin + Family…
    Hope to watch the show in UK.

  38. Amber Housley on

    Congratulations Erin + Team! What an exciting next chapter for you and so well deserved. Can’t wait to watch it!

  39. Maren on

    When & where can we watch?!?!

  40. Kat on

    Will there be a, way to watch in New Zealand? 🤞

    • Angela, Team Floret on

      We sure hope so! As we learn more, we’ll definitely keep everyone posted.

  41. Sassie Grissom on

    I have been following your IG feed for some time. My husband and I are getting ready to renovate and build a residence in a 93 year old elementary school house with some acreage. I am set on a flower cutting garden to go with it and can not wait to order favorite seeds from you.
    Looking forward to seeing your show in October. Break a leg!
    Sassie & Fuller Grissom
    The Schoolyard

  42. Heather on

    Bummer, the DIY Network GO App is not available for any Apple products in Canada and not for Amazon Fire TV either. If you don’t have a TV plan then I guess you can’t watch it. Only for the US it seems. That gets so old, sigh.

    • Angela, Team Floret on

      Hi Heather,

      Have you tried the Philo app? It seems like it might be a good option.

  43. Jo Buckley on

    Will we be able to watch this in Australia?

  44. Julie Hummel on

    What a wonderful opportunity for you to show case the beautiful flowers you grow. I’m excited to watch and see where your next adventure take you and your family.

  45. Lara Casey on

    I love you all! So proud of you and excited for this!

  46. Leigh on

    My two favorite girls in one spot. I’m beyond excited!

  47. Leslie on

    I’m so excited for you and all of the Floret family! I can’t wait to watch you on the Magnolia Network!

  48. Lyndsay Glover on

    What an exciting adventure! I cannot wait to see the show. What you are doing in Washington is so inspirational. Thanks for doing what you do. :).

  49. Lyndsay Glover on

    This is amazing and I am so excited for the show! What you are doing in Washington is such an inspiration. Thanks for what you do.

  50. Hannah on

    Another amazing dream being fulfilled in your destiny! I love Floret and all you have taught me to be able to live the dream of being a flower farmer. I also follow Joanna and Chip and love all they do. It is exciting to be a part of a movement where family comes first, couples are applauded, and visions are truly reached. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to inspire a beautiful way of life to people all over the world.

  51. Tracy Shelton on

    This is so exciting!! Congratulations on getting this opportunity to share your story in a new and more intimate way!

  52. Shana Fox on

    Oh my gosh! This sounds like a dream partnership. I cannot wait for the new network AND to hear more of the Floret story…. Standing by for October or whenever your documentary is released!

  53. Tammy Deller on

    I am so completely thrilled for you, your farm and me! I have been following your blogs, emails, pointers and dialog for about 2 years now ( I was a late bloomer, LOL). Anyway, I am so looking forward to your new show as well as new books and videos…..keep them coming, congrats!

  54. Susan Scott on

    Congratulations Erin and the Floret team! You are an awesome business owner, and you generously share your knowledge freely so that other aspiring flower farmers can be successful in their businesses. I am one of them. I started small with Dahlias two years ago and hope to grow the business this year with perennials and annuals. Your book and blog have provided invaluable insight into how to develop an intensive flower growing operation and I am grateful for your generosity! The opportunity to team up with the Magnolia family is truely an example of how selfless giving to others results in receiving an abundance of generosity in return. I am looking forward to watching the show and seeing your farm in action! Best wishes for your continued success!

  55. Viv Herman/ Sweetbriar on

    OMG! OMG! Happy for you guys!!!!! Love the new book. Well another chapter has opened up for you. When I saw Joanna I should have put it together…just thought hmmmmm..wonder what’s going on there? I hope you write about this new journey cause I would love to be a fly on the wall!!!! Don’t forget to just breathe a little — I know how hard you’ve worked and how far you’ve come. More land, book, TV… and it started with sweet peas……….I’ll be watching from Indiana! I also agree with the other mother daughter duo from In. seems slow to catch on here.. too rural in my area maybe? Still trying to spread flower joy and love here!!! 8 yrs for me. CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FLOWER LOVE !!!!!Good Luck guys.

  56. Anna Graham on

    What a blessing for the farm and your family. You deserve it!

  57. Abbey on

    Erin!!! I’m so proud and excited for you! I’m a very new flower farmer; 4 years in the making, 2 growing, and 1 actually selling. Many of my friends and neighbors are tagging me in this announcement. I’m telling them that most of what I know about flower farming, I learned from you. It occured to me that I should tell you! I knew nothing about growing cut flowers when I set out to be a flower farmer. I began reading everything I could get my hands on when I came across your blog. I spent many late nights reading every post you’d written (the “this week on the farm” was particularly helpful). I’m so thankful for your willingness to share all that you know. It’s a dream of mine to meet you one day. Thank you a million times over for paving the way!!

  58. Sheila on

    I’m thrilled to hear the Gaines’ committing to shows about gardening. The HGTV network hasn’t fulfilled the “garden” part of their acronym for years! Good luck with the show, and in everything you do.

  59. Pam Smedley on

    Happy, happy news! I would like to echo all of the comments and add that you’re amazing, you’re authentic, and you’ll add so much to the lives of those who follow you!

  60. Judy on

    So happy for you and now I shall be able to finally tour your farm and SEE where your heart is.

  61. Keri on

    My heart fluttered. I’m so excited for this series. I’m not a florist / grower but came across your story a few years ago from my love of nature, gardening and plants. I am always so inspired when I think of your journey and watching how you applied hard work, focus and perseverance to transform your life, land, lives and an entire industry for a more beautiful world.

  62. Vea McDonald on

    I have always paired Floret up with Chip and Joanna in my brain. It’s a perfect match for some like minded and talented people. Congrats!

  63. Jill Meyer on

    This is fantastic news! I can’t wait to follow your journey is this documentary. This is year to put in your history books for really making so many projects come to fruition. I know this will just lead to
    more. Cheers to your dreams becoming realities and sorting through and doing projects that keep you true to yourself, your family and team! Congratulations!!!’👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  64. Carolyn Thompson on

    Erin & Chris – this is going to be amazing to watch. Can not wait. Congratulations & thank you for all of your work making people aware of locally grown flowers and flower farmers. xxx

  65. Shelly Jones on

    OMG! That is awesome I told my husband that you are my Joanna Gaines for Flowers! I can’t wait, my 2 favorite inspirational ladies in one place!! – Shelly J.

  66. Kim on

    I’m super excited for you guys. Chip and Joanna have really made a positive impact in America. They’re small town family vibe is what people long for and seems to be going away in our culture. I love your story and I’m excited to see it be told. Congratulations on your new adventure!!!

  67. Tori on

    Congratulations!! So excited to be seeing your farm in action!

  68. Lois Toogood on

    AMAZING!!! SO happy for you all! Can’t wait to watch it :)

  69. Becky on

    Congratulations, how exciting!!!

  70. Laurie Sherman on

    I was listening to you say how terrifying it is now that your dream of owning more land has come true.
    It’s always so much easier dreaming it because we choose how the journey goes. When the dream becomes reality we think – Oh no can I handle this!!
    There is a saying “For such a time as this” – you’ve travelled the bumpy road and beauty has blossomed from it. Twenty years of growing inside and outside – it has been such a blessing to hear your story.
    So looking forward to the documentary!

  71. Lisa Steele | Fresh Eggs Daily on

    Congrats Erin + Team! Yay! I too loved Fixer Upper and the whole family vibe of the show. No drama, well except when Chip found mold, or termites… or a crack in the ceiling! So when they announced that they were starting their own TV network, I was excited to see more “real” reality tv. And I couldn’t be more excited to watch your show! Woothooooootttttt!!!!!!

  72. Jackie Gardner on

    Wonderful! Such exciting news. Congratulations! Been wondering when a flower show was going to make an appearance.

  73. Regina on

    Again, a big congrats go out to you, Erin, Chris, your family and your wonderfully talented team. When I excitedly share my journey with Floret with gardeners. I am constantly mentioning your style as one that is like a Martha Stewart and Joanna Gaines combined, both have influenced me greatly over the years, I love the English garden shows, but we so need one right here in the U.S. and the locally grown flower movement is so inspired by Floret. Again, so grateful you began your journey in flowers and have inspired so many of us!
    Regina @bloomsoftheloop. Workshop 2020

  74. Julia Slater on

    Ohhh, I’m so excited!!! Congratulations. Erin, you really are an inspiration and such a brave women. Go get em!

  75. Vanessa on

    Oh my god, I am so excited. I’d love to watch how you work and live on your beautiful flower farm. It’s amazing what are you doing. Does your day have more than 24 hours? :-)
    Important question for me: Is it possible to watch the show also in Germany??
    Best wishes, Vanessa

  76. Jo Ann on

    Congratulations. And what about people who aren’t able to pay to see this?
    Too bad it’s not available to the general public.
    Jo Ann

  77. Naima on

    Congratulations!!! What a great match!

  78. Colleen Ladwig on

    Congratulations Erin and Chris! Way to put Skagit Valley on the map!! Joanna and Chip are the Best!! I have followed their show Fixer Uppers from the beginning. They are great business leadership and mentors. Cannot wait to see your new show in October! God Bless all of you.

  79. Thea on

    Wow! I’m not surprised but I am so happy for yous ! Like many others, I truly appreciate Joanne and Chip. I hope working with them will help you grow without losing the purity that Floret Farm represents.

  80. Mary K Broshear on

    I’m so happy and excited for all of you! Congratulations and best wishes for even more success in your future! ( 2019 graduate of your flower course)

  81. Shalini on

    CONGRATULATIONS !!! This is fabulous. Your work is beautiful and to see that come to light so we can can see your journey will be wonderful. Way to go Team Floret. :-D

  82. Kathy Osborne on

    How exciting for all of you at Floret Farms!!!! Is it just one episode or will there be many? What great exposure for you and your company but also the rest of us in the Flower Farming world. Thank you…..

  83. Valarie Dunlevy on

    Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️❤️ What a wonderful adventure you all have been on!
    Who would have thought that a small garden of sweet peas would turn into this!
    Sweet peas and lots of hard work! Blessings to you all!

  84. Renata Minoga on

    Uau! Can’t wait to see the show!
    There is a big vacuum for gardening programs. A lot about home renovation but very little exclusive about gardening….

  85. Jo Ann DiGiacinto on

    Erin, I am so happy for you and your family and your team! I’m so inspired by what you have accomplished and can’t wait to see you on television. Wishing you continued success and proud to say I’m a huge fan. xo

  86. Brenda on

    So, so good. And the terror is real! :)

  87. Rose Johnson on

    Congratulations! What a fantastic fit, you are all perfect for one another. And all of you work so hard for your success! Praise God for these blessings!

  88. Catherine on

    Congratulations! I’m thrilled for you – I’ve been following you for some time and just treated myself to both of your books.

  89. Lyndsay Stretch on

    Erin, how do you stay focused with all of this going on? Wow! What an adventure for sure! I can imagine the team effort it has taken to get through the year with launching the workshop, the seed company, the book, endless amounts of content, the new property, this show, your kids, your marriage, yourself. How. Do. You. Do. It. Amazing. I admire your hard work and dedication. I totally get that it takes a village. You have an army. Congratulations on all your success and for following your dreams and putting yourself out there. ♥️

  90. Gail Helhoski on

    Wahoo!! Congratulations Erin and Chris, kids, and the whole Floret Team! I am sorry for you that this probably means more hard work (lol) but its thrilling to see you in the spotlight! Much deserved! Enjoy!

  91. J. Ferguson on

    Congratulations! Emily, Chris, the kids, and the entire team….you all deserve this! Your passion, your dream to inspire the world. That’s awesome! The words at the end of the video “now that we get to do this-its terrifying!” tear jerked me. It is where I am exactly this very day! May that which terrifies us, be what continues to ignite us, and others, on fire for what really matters! Thank you for sharing the beauty of FLORET, the beauty of a life not only well lived but blooming brightly! Cheers to more exciting dreams in the future!!!

  92. Mickey Gillis on

    Erin & Chris – Joanna & Chip = a match made in heaven! Congratulations to the whole Floret team, especially for being able to keep it a secret for so long….what fun lies ahead. Can’t wait to watch your show.


  93. Tracy on

    How exciting! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  94. Tacy Call on

    I don’t watch TV much either. I’d rather be gardening! But I will totally watch every minute of this show! Beyond excited for you, what an incredible story

  95. Judith R. Legg on

    Erin and team, We are so happy for you and your family ! Blessings to you all on your exciting journey.

    Judith R. Legg

  96. Linda Cobb on

    I am so happy for all you guys.Congratulations.

  97. Mags Riordan on

    Congradulations!! Sharing this with the world will be fantastic. I do hope we can get to see it in Ireland too xx

  98. Holly Callan on

    This is such exciting news! And it couldn’t happen to nicer people!! Congratulations!!!!

  99. Gayla Parker on

    I’ve been following you guys for so long and have continued to say, “Keep and eye on Floret, they’re going places!” I’m happy to say I was right but even happier to say congratulations!!

  100. Chelley on

    I am so excited for you, Erin!!! I just finished taking your 2020 workshop and am really looking forward to seeing what I’ve learned come to life on TV!!! You work so incredibly hard and I am so excited to see such great success come your way! Hugs

  101. Rhiannon on

    The most incredible news for the most incredible team! I’m so happy for you all! Can’t wait to watch your story be told to millions and millions around the world. Go Floret go!


    Oh Erin, I am so excited for you and your team. Such a great accomplishment and proud you should be. Hugs and love to you from the great white north!

  103. Yvette Farrell on

    OMG! This is such great news! Congratulations! I can’t wait for it all!

  104. Mia Håkansson on

    I am soooo happy and exited for you. I am hoping that I will be able to see the show some how here in Sweden. Will the Magnolia network release their shows in Europe?

  105. Maria on

    What an inspiring double couple/family stories! You are in the right club. You made a great decision! May God bless you.

  106. Christine Edwards on

    Wow. Hitting on all cylinders. I can’t wait for a legit gardening show that shares the magic and the hard work! Congratulations.

  107. Suzanne Kloeppel on

    Congratulations to Floret Farm! This is such wonderful news! There is so little gardening shows left anymore. So, I resorted to YouTube, Instagram and Facebook to feed my garden inspiration. My husband and I watched Fixer Upper and enjoyed them immensely. To see this joint venture come to fruition is a delight.

  108. Sara Wade on

    That thing you said about it being terrifying finally getting to do the thing you’ve wanted to do for 20years…..
    Mine’s on a much smaller scale, but the feeling is the same. Congratulations! What an exciting adventure!!

  109. Monica Bryk on

    I’m so thrilled for you! I just started to follow you because I just became a new florist on October 2, 2018. Your work is beautiful and inspiring. I just got your new book and it is beautiful! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family on this new journey. I will be looking and watching your new show this Fall too! :)

  110. Marta Martin on

    Congratulations! You guys deserve it … many blessings for you and your vision and your inspiring business. You bring so much joy to so many of us!

  111. Elizabeth McClellan on

    I am just crying right now. Congratulations! YOU deserve this.
    @thistle and clay.

  112. Leisa Joan on

    sounds great! I hope I get the channel. I’ve been waiting for a good gardening show. I used to watch Rebecca’s Garden, and Victory Garden. and I love Fixer Upper too. can’t wait either.

  113. Torrie @ To Love and To Learn on

    Oh, I’m seriously SO EXCITED! We hardly watch any t.v. over here either, but we too have been big fans of Fixer Upper. Can’t wait to see the show, and the biggest congratulations to you all! A well-deserved honor, for sure.

  114. Chelsey on


  115. Heidi Anderson on

    I am so on love with this concept of my two favorite passions coming together. Congratulations!

  116. Robin Habing on

    Oh Erin, I am just so happy for you and your team!!! You have been an inspiration for me and now you reach so many flower farmers, that didn’t know they were!! Chip and Johnna are also inspirations of mine!

  117. Kimberly Heavner on

    I recently started following you and so enjoy your posts. Cannot wait to follow your story in the Fall. How incredibly exciting!!!

  118. Sassafras Fork Farm on

    AHHH! Such incredible news for all involved, including all of us flower farms around the globe. Way to bring the local flower movement even further than you already have!!

  119. Wendy Gillespie on

    I’m in New Zealand and I watch Chip and Jo and love their Fixer Upper programme, and I follow Floret and look forward to my emails, what a fantastic fit, I am so excited for you and can’t wait to see it here in NZ!!

  120. darci haney on

    Congrats Erin and team! So well deserved…..I can’t wait to watch!

  121. Larkspur Lavender Farm on

    This is the perfect pairing…two of my biggest inspirations-Magnolia & Floret-so thrilled!

  122. Kathleen on

    This is incredible! The Gaines and Floret has been such a huge part in helping find and fuel my passion for Flowers. In fact, I first heard of Floret in Magnolia Journal and have been bitten by the bug ever since. I’m so happy to hear that you guys are teaming up to provide genuine, real, and inspirational programming to share with the world. I’m so happy for you and your team Erin!

  123. Cathy on

    I love how your integrity shines through on everything you and your wonderful Floret family does! Kudos on your new venture, I’m looking forward to following it.

  124. Lisa Kleines on

    I am in tears for you all. I ordered your book before my big fall and knee surgery. It has been a true blessing while I recuperate and continue plans for my own flower farm!!!! Thank you for being you!!!!

  125. Norma on

    I am SO excited. I love both Floret & Magnolia and I get to watch you in action soon. Can’t wait!

  126. Carla Roper on

    I love the fact that no matter how much your little farm has grown and how successful you have been, that you have been so humble and grounded and continuing to share your knowledge with all of your flower admirers . Often people meet fame and lose their way, but you seem to know where you are going , always sharing your great love of flowers along the way. Thankyou for that! So happy for you!

  127. Donna Jones on

    Congratulations! Magnolia and Floret are my two favs and I’m thrilled you’re working together!

  128. Shawn Walker on

    This is fantastic. I already have learned so much from your book and website. Looking forward to watching the series!!! Way to go!

  129. Iva Basquill on

    Actually, I really thought Chip and Joanna would someday knock on your door! It just seemed like it was a logical next step for you guys.

  130. Marla on

    Truly inspirational! Cannot wait to see this show and explore your farm with you!….. We have been following you for several years now. I stumbled upon Jennie Love’s blog about 6 or 7 years ago and caught your named mentioned in a story. Started following you then. Told my daughter this is someone we want to watch because they are “us”. We are a Mother/daughter duo trying to start a small scale family owned flower farm in the heart of the Midwest. Not many of us here in Indiana doing this yet. Your farm is a great inspiration and helps us in all our bumps and hiccups in our path of our tiny farm. When we need an answer you are one of the “ go to’s” we seek for information. You and the team are to be commended. …..Always learning, always growing, always blooming!

  131. Mary on

    This is the best news to start my morning, can’t wait to see your beautiful farm in operation. So exciting and a huge congratulations from a big fan!

  132. Michele on

    Oh my gosh I can’t wait. I feel like I’m a part of a big secret before anyone knew and I want to tell everyone! I do so hope I get the Discovery channel!

  133. Rocio on

    This is so wonderful! I’m overjoyed and excited for ya’ll! Congratulations to team Floret for the new chapter in your story. I’m looking forward to see what fun adventures you have in store for the world! Hip hip hooray!

  134. Rachel C. on

    Happy tears! How exciting! Way to go Team Floret!

  135. Donna on

    Congratulations! This is such an amazing and perfect pairing….wishing you the very best every step of the way. I am so excited to watch…can’t wait!!!

  136. Holly Rutt on

    Congratulations Erin & Chris this is so wonderful I can not wait to watch!! Planting up my floret seeds and saved seeds from last years harvest has been the light at the end of the winter tunnel for me! Looking forward to “growing” with you for years to come xo ~Holly

  137. Karen Pritchard on

    I am just so, so happy for you and Chris. Your Floret magic has been so inspirational to me (Class of 2018) and my abundant gardens are a joy and a passion that was unleashed as a result of your guidance!! Bravo!!!!

  138. Alicia on

    This is soooo freakin’ exciting!!!! From the launch of the online course, to a huge addition to your farm, right next door, the books, and now this! This shows us that putting one foot in front of the other and truly believing that good things will come while putting in the hard work truly pays off.

  139. Pam on

    Omg!!! I’m so excited for you all!! A perfect fit to tell your story!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Happy crying😃😅😅😅😅

  140. Cee on

    This is so beyond exciting! Congratulations on all your hard work! I’m very excited for your family and staff to have the recognition you deserve :)

  141. Angie Hicks on

    Whoa! Awesome! It will be great to continue the journey with you. After just completing the course, I am in Floret withdrawal. This will give me something to look forward to.

  142. Belinda Bell Art on

    YAY! YAY! YAY! ….. Congrats and Cheers to the Floret Team, and to Erin for her visionary quest of locally grown blooms! What a wonderful and sweet journey. The strength and honor that your team holds near and dear to their hearts is the glue to Floret. This is such an exciting time and a sweet share of news to a world that needs an true uplift. I watched the trailer a few times so that I could repeat the feel of all the excitement and love for what you are working at everyday. My tears were shed with total happiness. Your great grammy is smiling with you remembering those first Sweet Peas of happiness. I look forward to kicking my feet up and watching some floral sweetness this fall. Hip Hip Hooray Floret!!!

  143. Gina G Hemmings on

    This is fantastic news! For years I’ve been thinking about the dearth of mainstream programming around farming and flowers. We all know their is a huge audience for this but for some reason television programmers were slow to recognize the opportunity. It took someone from the outside, like Chip and Joanna, to see that. This opportunity couldn’t happen to a nicer team of people and is a wonderful platform to bring seasonal, responsibly American flowers to the forefront….FINALLY! Here’s to continued success!

  144. Robin & Margie Walls on

    We are so happy for you all to be recognized for all you have done and think you are with a fantastic group to help you along on this next adventure. We feel so privileged to have been able to attend one of your 3 day hands on workshops in 2015. It doesn’t seem like it’s been 5 years but you planted a seed with us and it has and is still growing bigger every year as we are still learning. We are just getting started again with this new upcoming season and just love it. The Magnolia Group is a favorite of ours, our son Ben records and watches almost daily. Keep up the great work, we are very proud for you all and wish you the best.

  145. Lee Ann on

    Wow! Congratulations! You guys got this!

  146. Donna Huntley on

    Oh my gosh Erin!!!! That is beyond anything I would imagine for you guys!! Crazy, exciting, scary, wild ride 😍! As a 2020 graduate of Floret Workshop, I am so thrilled to see this blessing come your way. You have been blessed beyond measure! Can’t wait 🙏🏻👍🥳

  147. Rita Davidson on

    I’m SOOO SOOOO excited for you Erin (I’m sorry I forgot hubbys name) LOL
    I fell in LOVE LOVE with you when I found you in the Magnolia Magazine… and I can’t tell you what it did for me as I was in such pain from getting Lyme disease and thought I was dying… but the beauty of your work drew me in… and now two years later, we have started to transform our yard with flowers… I don’t know where it’s headed up it just feels so ‘right’. I could never grow food like my dad did, but flowers just seemed perfect. Now my husband enjoys it and we are both talking about what we will do once the snow melts here.. I can’t wait to have the beauty of flowers around me again!
    I can’t wait to see this series! I Hope we can find it because we don’t have TV either??

    Rita :)

  148. Kathydyar on

    This is so awesome can’t wait to see it

  149. Eowyn Levene on

    Holy Moly!!! This is such wonderful and exciting news. And it feels like a natural fit that Chip and Joanna’s company would appreciate what you do at Floret. It just makes sense, and was clearly meant to be. I cannot WAIT to see the show once it’s being broadcasted. So happy for you all, not to mention all the folks that might not have discovered Floret and your mission otherwise. Here’s to strong community, care for the earth, and glorious seasonal organically grown flowers everywhere!

  150. Jennifer Thomas on

    Congratulations! This is huge!!! I am so happy for you and thrilled that the message of american grown flowers is going to spread far and wide. What an amazing platform to be a part of. Hopefully, the show will be aired on Hulu or Disney+ since we don’t have cable. But I will go watch it at happy hour somewhere if I have too.

  151. Jontal on

    Also, watching the trailer made me cry! I don’t know why, though! I think it’s probably because I’m so excited to see a show about something I’m interested in, but also because I’m so happy for you all and can’t wait to see and hear your story.

  152. Jontal on

    Ahhhh!!! How exciting!!! Now I have to figure out how to get cable… We only watch Netflix and prime video right now 😂 Congratulations!

  153. Janna Harley on

    Oh my goodness! What a perfectly wonderful development this is. I am so excited for y’all, and your team! We don’t really do TV either, so I’m hopeful there will be some online viewing options! Many congratulations and I cannot wait time watch!

  154. Kim Mills on

    Team Floret! This is so incredible! The day I returned from your workshop, I told my husband you should have a made for tv series (though I said it would be on Netflix). This sounds like the perfect avenue for you to share your new farm journey. I couldn’t be more excited for you all! Congratulations to each and every one of your team members. Your hard work, long days, and ability to transition from project to project is admirable. You’re an inspiration to so many and the perfect combination of determination and humility to show what really goes into flower farming. I shared your trailer with all my plant and flower loving friends immediately. Needless to say, it sounds like we will be hosting a viewing party. Cheers to you! We cannot wait to watch.

  155. Tammy Combs on

    So happy for you guys…… love your products and information. Will certainly tune in to the show!!!!
    Have always loved Fixer Upper……glad they found you!!!!!!!

  156. Ragna Shollenberger on

    I am delighted to hear of your new endevour, yet more impressed by your importantance of keeping your own personal values intact.
    May this new turn in your lives give you a future of great delights and may your children have a BALL as they view this new Documentary with their family close by..

  157. Lisa on

    Congratulations to you and your family business. Magnolia Journal is how I found you. From your interview in the magazine. I look forward to you sharing your wealth of gardening information and how your business runs; just how your beautiful flowers are grown! Thank you.

  158. Heidi Hinckley on

    Oh wow! Why doesn’t this surprise me?! I had thought of Floret when I first heard about Chip and Joanna Gaines’ announcement regarding starting their own production company. What a perfect fit for you and your family/team. Best of luck and I cannot wait to tune in!

  159. Diane Sampson on

    Wow this is so exciting! Congratulations! I love your gardens and sure wish I lived closer to your area of country. Maybe some day in our future to come your way for a visit just to see your glorious gardens, if nothing else. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story with us. I finally broke down and purchased some of your seeds this year and I can’t wait to see them all growing in my gardens.

  160. Katie on

    Are you kidding me?!?! Two of my very favorite businesses!!! So very excited for you! Way to go Floret!! (We haven’t had “tv” for years, but will totally sign up for this!)

  161. Kathryn on

    This is fantastic news. I cannot think of a better fit for you. Looking forward to watching this and really really looking forward to Book 3 – Dahlias are my absolute favorite!

  162. Fiona Humberstone on

    Congratulations! Erin this is amazing news. So good to hear of everything you are going for. I hope we’ll be able to get hold of the series in the UK somehow! It sounds fab.

  163. Melissa on

    Congratulations…So excited to see you all getting down on the farm!

  164. Lisa Sprouse on

    This is so awesome & amazing!!! Super excited for you and looking forward to following you on your next journey!! 😍🌻🌷

  165. Lindsay Eulitt on

    So incredibly excited for you! I’ve followed you for some time and I will most definitely be watching!

  166. Mary Barry-Magsamen on

    I’m so happy for you and all of your hard working crew! I look forward to watching this next phase of your adventure.

  167. Kris on

    Congratulations! That’s SO exciting! I can’t wait to watch!

  168. Galicia Virgen on

    Holy cow! My two worlds just merged and I’m even more excited for FLORET! Congratulations! Can’t wait to watch!

  169. Jen on

    Super exciting! Can’t wait to see the show. Love following you story and your journey!

  170. Lisa on

    This is so exciting and amazingly wonderful to hear!!!! Yahoo – so fantastic!!!!!

  171. Angela Ward on

    HOW EXCITING!!! I can’t wait to watch! How wonderful that you get to share your expertise and beauty of your farm with even more people!!!

  172. Yuleidy Lopez on

    Congratulations Erin and Floret team. I can’t wait to watch your show!

  173. Ribier Gardens on

    Congratulations. So well deserved. Thank for being an inspirational voice for the local flower movement.

  174. Marci Glenn on

    WOW! Congratulations! The trailer is fabulous, I can’t wait to see the rest of the story.

  175. Tiffany Jones, Blomma Flower Farm on

    Congratulations! It’s so wonderful our line of work will be shared and folks can see the “real deal” of flowers farming. I’m thankful you get to show the world and happy to get a deeper peak at what you do.
    Great job keeping the secret. However, I’m not surprised they picked you. Well done.

  176. Madison Puch on

    Ahhhh! I knew as soon as I saw Joanna reviewed your book that something magical was going to follow! I’m so excited for this! Yay Team Floret!!!! It’s been too long since there has been a good gardening show… (and not some silly competition)

    Can not wait to tune in!!

  177. Trinity on

    This is so exciting! I can’t wait to watch it!


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